Sphylox intelex Enterprises, Inc.
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Main Developments

We are planning for big developments.


One of our projects is called "LMMC".  This is the LUCE MultiMedia Center.  This center will have about 100 computers and 25 video arcade games in one building.


Our First Project:


We are looking for ways to build a better community.  One way this can be done is to open a community store for businesses.  The name for this store will be called "Sphylox Foundation Community Store".  Another way this can be done is to build a multimedia center.  The name for this center is called "LUCE MultiMedia Center (LMMC)". We are seeking investors to help finance our business, so we can provide good products and services to the public. If you are interested in seeing the store and multimedia center build, donate the following amount: $10.00
to help raise money for our MultiMedia Center. This center will help the community.

We are building an organization called "The House of Upsilon".  Please make a donation to our cause! Thank you!

Sphylox intelex Enterprises * 447 Meadow Moss Road * Jackson * MS  39206 * (601) 366-5668